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1 Samuel 27:2-7


David <01732> [David.]

This measure of David's, in uniting himself to the enemies of his God and people, was highly blameable; was calculated to alienate the affections of the Israelites; and led to equivocation, if not downright falsehood.

six <08337> [the six.]

Achish <0397> [Achish.]


two <08147> [with his two.]


search <01245> [he sought.]


one ..... towns ................ city <05892 0259> [some town.]


Ziklag ........ Ziklag <06860> [Ziklag.]

Ziklag was at first given to the tribe of Judah, but was afterwards ceded to that of Simeon; but as it bordered on the Philistines, if they had ever been expelled, they had retaken it. Eusebius simply says it was situated in the south of Canaan.


length of time <04557> [the time. Heb. the number of days. a full year. Heb. a year of days.]

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